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Minutes are a written record of a meeting or hearing.

They often supply an overview of the structure of the meeting, beginning with a list of those present, a statement of the numerous issues before the participants, and each of their responses thereto.


Usually, they begin with the entity name, place, date, list of people present, and the time that the chair called the meeting to order.

Minutes then record what actually occurs at a meeting, usually in the order that it actually happens, regardless of whether the encounter follows (or omits) any written agenda.

Since the principal function of minutes is to record the decisions made, any and all executive decisions must be included.

If a formal motion is made, seconded, passed, or not passed then this is registered.

The vote tally may also be admitted

The part of the minutes dealing with a normal motion might report merely that a particular motion was "moved by Louise, seconded by Bill, and passed unanimously."

The minutes may close with a note of the time that the session was adjourned.

If there are errors or omissions, then the minutes will be re-drafted and surrendered again at a later date. Minor alterations may be made just then, and the amended notes may be endorsed "as amended."

It is normally suitable to give a draft copy of the notes to the other personnel in advance of the meeting so that the conference need not be delayed while everyone reads and rectifies the draft.

It is not good practice to vote to approve minutes for a meeting which one did not attend.

It is also not prudent to approve minutes which one has not carefully reviewed.

Click here for a list of the Meeting Minutes