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Amidst social distancing restrictions and declining rates of COVID-19 infection, many Ontario residents are eager to get outside and re-connect with nature. However, May is also Lyme Disease Awareness month, and spring’s onset is expected to cause hundreds of new Lyme disease cases in this province. Researchers at Queen’s University have launched a new collaboration between citizens and scientists to eliminate misdiagnosis of Tick-Borne Disease in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In the past week I have been published in various media outlets including ( and ( I have received feedback from participants in the region, indicating that they would like for the municipality to distribute the survey link to make the study more accessible to them. 

I have attached a Microsoft Word news release below which includes the rationale for the study, as well as my contact information.

I have also attached a URL to a dropbox which includes an advertisement for the study, and field photos should you wish to use it.

Please feel free to use any of the documents attached in this email that include the link (, to disseminate this survey to residents of Athens via correspondence with individuals, listeservs, monthly newsletters, the website and/or social media. Please note that this survey is completely anonymous and a letter of information and consent is provided on the first page of the survey.



Emilie Norris-Roozmon,

MSc Candidate in the Biology department at Queen’s University.